WordPress 6.6 – Release Candidate 3 (RC3)

WordPress 6.6 – Release Candidate 3 (RC3)
The latest version of WordPress, 6.6, is currently at Release Candidate 3 (RC3). This version was released on July 9, 2024. The final release of WordPress 6.6 is scheduled for July 16, 2024. WordPress 6.6 will be released on Tuesday, July 16.
Main features of WordPress 6.6 RC 3:
WordPress 6.6 Release Candidate 3 has several new features and improvements that are aimed to enhance the experience for the user and developer. Following are some of the features
- Block Editor Enhancements
- Theme and Style Updates
- Interactivity and HTMLAPI
- Options API and PHP Support
- User Experience and Miscellaneous Improvements
Other features of WordPress 6.6 RC 3:
WordPress 6.6 Release Candidate 3 includes several other improvements and features :
- Accessibility Improvements
- Â Performance Enhancements
- Developer-Focused Updates
- Security Enhancements
- Usability Improvements
- Widgets and Menus
- Multilingual Support
New Style Options:
WordPress 6.6 has introduced improved block management, negative margins, and custom shadows, allowing more creativity and visually appealing designs
  Improved block management
- Â The block inserter now supports all blocks, which are not even allowed in the current context. This improvement makes it easier to find and use blocks without confusion, enhancing the overall editing experience.
  Negative margins
- Negative margins now can be directly added in the editor for blocks which supports margin controls, and offers more flexibility in designs. This feature is previously available in theme.json.
  Media and Text Block
- The Media & Text Block now supports using the post’s featured image, and offers design options for single post and page templates. This update allows featured image directly within the media content of the block for more creative layouts.
Pattern management in classic themes:
Classic themes now benefit from modern pattern management features, making it easier to create and manage patterns within these themes.