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What is the latest version of Shopware 5?


What is the latest version of Shopware 5?

The latest updates in Shopware 5.7.18 enhance various aspects of e-commerce functionality. These include improved method documentation for website blog implementation and an update of third-party dependencies for increased stability and security. These enhancements bolster the platform’s reliability and usability, ensuring a smoother experience for users and developers alike.

Adding new positions in the backend:

The backend order module has been enhanced to include support for graduated prices when adding new positions. This means that when you’re creating or editing orders within the backend, the system will take into account any graduated pricing configurations you’ve set up for your products.

Improve calculation of shipping costs:

There has been an improvement in the calculation of shipping costs specifically within the context of product exports. This enhancement aims to provide more accurate shipping cost calculations when exporting products from the Shopware backend. This improvement might involve refining algorithms or ensuring that shipping rules and configurations are properly accounted for during the export process.

Improved validation of input fields:

In Shopware 5, input field validation for registration, newsletter subscriptions, and forms has been enhanced. This upgrade ensures more thorough validation, reducing errors and improving data accuracy. Users are prompted to correct invalid entries, improving the overall user experience. From stricter email formats to informative error messages, this enhancement enhances data reliability throughout the platform.

Update of third party dependencies:

This ensures that the platform incorporates the latest improvements and security patches from external libraries and frameworks. By staying current with dependencies, Shopware 5 maintains stability, security, and compatibility with evolving web technologies.

Shopware 5 End of Life:

Shopware 5 Support ends July 2024. This marks the cessation of new features, bug fixes, and security updates

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